Bed Bugs Stuff


Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported. We strive to provide great info and only the highest quality bed bug products.

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Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported.
We strive to provide great info and only
the highest quality bed bug products.

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Maybe. There are a few factors that go into whether you may be able to get rid of bed bugs yourself or not:

  1. How bad is the problem and how long has it been there? Typically, the longer a bed bug infestation has been there, the more bed bugs (and eggs) there are and the more places they may be hiding in.
  2. How old is the structure? In some cases, older structures may be more more difficult in which to get rid of bed bugs because there may be more hiding places.
  3. How big is the structure? The bigger the building, the harder it is to treat for bed bugs, or pretty much any sort of critter.
  4. Are you fairly handy? If the problem isn't out of control and the structure isn't too old and/or big, you may be able to take a shot at it yourself and save a lot of money.

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

So, are you're wondering how do I get rid of bed bugs myself? The fact is that there are tools available for almost anyone to chase down a bed bug problem themselves:

  • Bed Bug Monitoring Devices or Traps are a great tool and should be a included in any bed bug control or prevention program.
  • Good quality bed bug mattress protectors. Every mattress and box springs should be protected for long term control and some serious peace of mind.
  • Bedbug proof pillow covers are also a great idea and available in our shop.
  • Bed Bug Spray is an excellent product for bedbug control. Always follow the instructions on the label.

Always read the labels and follow the directions exactly for the best - and safest - results with any products you use. If you're not sure if you have bed bugs, start out with bed bug traps, which will help you not only know if you have bed bugs, but where they are if you do. The mattress protectors are simply a great investment, as well, as they are waterproof, allergen proof and critter proof. These tools can save you a bunch of cash, as bed bug treatment by professional exterminators can be pretty expensive. Our bed bug pictures page may help you identify a potential bed bug problem and you may find helpful info on our FAQ page, too. If you still want to get rid of bed bugs yourself, you've come to the right place.

Get Rid Of bed Bugs

Yourself And Save

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Stuff Online

Bed Bugs Stuff


Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported. We strive to provide great info and only the highest quality bed bug products.

When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission.

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