Bed Bugs Stuff


Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported. We strive to provide great info and only the highest quality bed bug products.

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Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported.
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the highest quality bed bug products.

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Bed-Bug-Stuff-Online bed bug mattress covers work? Absolutely. Indubitable. Without a doubt. IF you get good ones, if you use them properly and if you use them all of the time. First, they need to be lab tested and certified bedbug proof. And don't go for the cheapest of the cheapest, either. Inexpensive bed bug mattress covers won't always zip up as tightly as they should (or have a Velcro flap for added protection) to be effective. And they won't last nearly as long. On top of that, they probably won't be as comfortable and may be noisy when you move around on the bed. These are some of the more important things you should consider when determining what mattress cover is best for solving a bed bugs problem.

Some Common Bed Bug Questions

In addition to asking do bed bug mattress covers work, a few of the more commonly asked questions we get are:

  • How to prevent bed bugs? Understanding what causes a bed bug infestation helps and a good mattress encasement should be a part of that equation every time
  • Will bedbugs go away on their own? Probably not, and HERE's why.
  • Do bed bug mattress covers work for fleas. Good quality bedbug mattress covers will and will keep most critters out (or in if already there) of your mattress.
  • How bed bug mattress covers work? Basically, by preventing bed bugs from getting into your mattress. They will also prevent them from getting out if they are already there.
  • Can bed bugs go through a plastic mattress cover? If the plastic rips or tears they can. Or, if the mattress cover has any openings that allow access to the inside, where the actual mattress is, then yes. Plastic has a much shorter life than other materials and that's why we don't carry plastic mattress protectors.
  • Can bed bugs climb on mattress protectors? Sure - the goal is to keep them OUT of the mattress and box springs.
  • Do pillow covers work? Yes - again, if they are well made.

Do Bed Bug Mattress Covers Work?

They really do! A great mattress protector should be a part of the bed bug control and prevention process every time, in our opinion. Take our advice: get really good bed bug mattress covers. And don't get alligator arms here - get great bed bug pillow covers and bed bug box springs covers, too. You'll save money in the long run. The peace of mind alone of knowing that you're not sharing your bed with critters is worth the money and they're a whole lot less expensive than a new mattress/box spring.

Helpful Links

  • The American Society For Microbiology sites that the use of a bed bug mattress encasement is important for preventing a bed bug problem. Read that article HERE.
  • Rutgers University includes a mattress encasement (along with bed bug traps) on it's list of cost-effective bed bug control methods that work. Check out that article HERE.
  • In THIS ARTICLE, the University of Kentucky states that your mattress and box springs provide great hiding places for bedbugs that are extremely difficult to treat effectively.
  • Learn what US cities have the biggest bed bug problems HERE.
  • Get more info about bed bug mattress protectors in our post HERE.

Do Bed Bug Mattress Covers Work

Do Bed Bug Mattress Covers Work

Bed Bug Stuff Online

Bed Bugs Stuff


Bud Bug Stuff is reader supported. We strive to provide great info and only the highest quality bed bug products.

When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a small affiliate commission.

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